AP® Computer Science
Licensing Fees
The fee for AP Computer Science: Java Programming is $19.95 per student, with a 10 student minimum. There is an annual class setup fee of $50.
New student licenses may be added to existing classes at a cost of $19.95 per student (minimum five additional students). Unused student licenses are not refunded.
Duration and Procedures
The class will stay active for one year from the date they are setup.
As with all of our online courses, instructors are provided with free access to the course material and solutions to all exercises. In addition, instructors are given an online grade book to register his/her students and monitor their progress. School licenses allow teachers to track all the students in a class, and to use the internal monitored messaging system to communicate with individual students.
How to Register
To purchase a school license for AP Computer Science: Java Programming, please send a Purchase Order to:
7435 NW 4th Street
Plantation, FL 33317
or you can fax it to (954) 791-0260 to the attention of eIMACS.
Please ensure that your Purchase Order includes all of the following:
- which course you are registering for
- how many students you are registering
- the teacher's name
- the teacher's email address
- the $50 setup fee
Upon receipt of your purchase order, an email will be sent to the teacher including login information and setup instructions.
If you have questions concerning the registration procedure, please contact IMACS toll-free at 1.866.634.6227 or by email at teachersupport@eimacs.com.